The new site is organised round four sections:
The biggest change, I guess, is that the Guestbook has been replaced by a Discussion Board . This will require everyone to log in in order to post, so there will be no more anonymous comments. To sign up for an account you have to try to Login then click on the link to 'Register a new account' . That will ask you for various details then fire off an email to one of the Board's Moderators to activate your account. At the moment we invite registration from members of the club, and anyone else who has had strong ties with the club over the years.
There are two forums within the board:
(A special feature of the Announcements forum, and the reason that only the committee can post a new topic, is that doing so sends out an email to all members of the Discussion Board. This is intended to be the way that the committee sends out an email to everyone, but you can of course opt out. Navigate to Your Panel → Edit Options and select 'Email Opt Out' to stop receiving Announcements.)
We will be adding various new bits to the site over the coming months, such as a search function and hopefully some pages on the history of the club, but the structure of it should remain roughly as outlined above. Many thanks to our sponsors who get pride of place on the left hand side there, and to my mate Richard and the QPlingers who are hosting the site.
All feedback and suggestions welcome -