Club Rules
The Club shall be called the Port Talbot Wheelers Cycling Club (hereafter the Club) and its primary objective
shall be to encourage the sport and pastime of cycling in all its forms.
The Club shall be governed by a General Committee elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting (hereafter
AGM). The General Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and five ordinary members. The
General Committee shall have the power to form sub-committees and to fill any vacancies of the General Committee
that may arise between s of the Club.
As an elected Member of the General Committee the Chairman shall have the right to vote on every proposal and
shall also have a second or casting vote on any proposals where there is an equal vote.
The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Committee meetings, s and any Special General Meetings of the Club.
The Treasurer shall keep and maintain proper books of account for all Club accounts and shall prepare a report
or balance sheet for each AGM.
The seat of any Committee Member who has been absent from three successive meetings without written apology may,
at the discretion of the General Committee, be declared vacant.
The Annual Subscription for Club Members shall be proposed by the General Committee and agreed at the AGM.
Active cycling members must also be current members of British Cycling* or be members of the Cycle Touring Club
(CTC) or the British Triathlon Association (BTA). Non-cycling Members of the Club may also be allowed to join at
the current subscription rate without taking out membership of the WCU, CTC or BTA. Such members shall have full
powers to vote at Club meetings and be elected to suitable Club offices and shall also be able to compete for
suitable Club trophies. Second-Claim members are accepted by the Club at the current subscription rate and at
the discretion of the General Committee.
*British Cycling members should note that as the reason for this membership is for third-party insurance
purposes then the minimum membership level required is silver standard.
Subscriptions shall fall due on January 1st of the current year and shall be payable no later than March 31st.
Members failing to renew their subscriptions before April 1st shall lose all rights to membership. Applications
received from new members after October 1st shall be accepted at the current subscription rate but will hold
good until December 31st of the following year.
All applications for membership shall be sent to the Treasurer who shall accept all new members except those
applicants who have previously been a member of a cycling club whose applications must then be placed before the
General Committee for approval. Such members shall not be allowed to qualify for Club trophies in their first
year of membership.
Members are required to agree not to continue to wear the Club Badge or registered Racing Jersey if they cease
membership of the club.
No Member shall be allowed to make use of the Club name, Club badge or registered Racing Jersey for business or
advertising purposes except as allowed under British Cycling Technical Regulations and also if expressly agreed
by the Club.
Any Member acting in a manner objectionable or contrary to the best interests of the Club shall be called upon
by the General Committee for an explanation and if they fail to justify themselves then the General Committee
shall have full power to expel them.
All property of the Club held by Club Officials must be given up to the Secretary prior to the AGM.
All Club runs shall normally be under the control of the Club Captain and/or Vice-Captains but each Member shall
be entirely responsible for their own safety and well-being at all times. Furthermore no Club Member shall make
a claim for injury or financial loss against a fellow Club Member regardless of whether this ride is organised
or not.
The AGM shall be held in the month of October each year and, in addition to those Officers and Committee
described in Rule 2, the members present shall elect an Auditor and any other Officials deemed necessary for the
good running of the Club.
At the AGM the members present may also elect a President who need not necessarily be a qualified Club Member.
No alteration, amendment or addition to these rules may be brought forward at a meeting unless written notice
has been given to the General Secretary at least seven days before the meeting.
On a requisition signed by at least 12 Club Members the Secretary is empowered to call a Special General Meeting
of the Club within fourteen days of receipt of such a requisition.
A quorum of 12 Club Members shall be necessary before any General Meeting of the Club may begin. If after 15
minutes from the published time of start such a quorum is not assembled then the meeting shall be abandoned and
a new date for a recalled meeting agreed.
The General Committee shall have full powers to elect Life Members from duly qualified Club Members of
The General Committee shall have full powers to deal with any matter not provided for in these rules until the
next AGM.
In order to become an elected Officer of the Club, or a Member of the General Committee, that person shall have
been a fully paid up Club Member for not less than three full and continuous years.